Fertility Software Solutions in India

Fertility Management Software provider in Hyderabad

Best Fertility Management Software in Hyderabad

About Sparta Fertility

Fertility Management Software

Pioneering Excellence in Fertility Healthcare: Unveiling a New Era

For over 8 years, Sparta Fertility Solutions has been a steadfast pillar in healthcare evolution, crafting tailored solutions for fertility clinics and hospitals. We grasp the significance of offering top-notch services to those seeking fertility treatments. That's why we've engineered a superior software solution, catering to the specific needs of IVF clinics and physicians.

Our software is a bespoke answer, honed to simplify patient data management, appointment scheduling, and treatment tracking for fertility clinics. A conduit to operational efficiency, improved patient care, and heightened success rates, it transforms the fabric of IVF clinics.

Bearing witness to the pulse of fertility clinics and hospitals, our team of experts has collaborated closely to weave a software tapestry that is instinctive, user-friendly, and elastic in response to industry shifts. Our commitment to bestowing remarkable healthcare solutions upon fertility clinics and hospitals resonates fervently, and we stand unwavering in our belief that our software will revolutionize IVF clinics. Embark on the journey; get in touch today to explore our innovative software solutions for IVF.

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  • Have an integrated view of the entire appointments information with one-click
  • Slot wise appointment booking.
  • Book appointments for different types of sources for multiple locations
  • Integrating appointments with hospital website .
  • View appointments by date, week and month.
  • Block appointments for particular time slots
schedule planner task agenda checklist concept
  • Creating customized treatments for patients
  • Configurable protocols
  • Displaying all the treatments of the patient with their status
  • Saving and displaying the gametes related to the patients
  • Displaying PGS/PGD information with Chromosome analysis and Molecular analysis
  • Saving complete treatment plan with sentinel dates
  • Displaying all the plan details with medications, and ultra sound scans with dates
  • Reviewing Follicle Tracking Chart
  • Displaying the complete summary of particular treatment
  • Saving and displaying the gametes related to the patients
  • Cycle / Pregnancy Outcome and Cycle Summary
healthcare medical doctor working with professional team physician nursing assistant
  • Configurable Donor procedures with Sperm, Oocyte, Embryo and Surrogacy Packages
patient gives blood analysis medical laboratory syringe hands nurse closeup
  • Semen Analysis – Reporting based on WHO norms
  • Sperm Defragmentation Index (DFI)
  • Sperm Retrieval Procedures (TESA, PESA, MESA, Micro Tesa, TESE)
  • Sperm Freezing
  • Sperm Preparation for IUI
  • Sperm Parameters for IVF
  • Donor Sperms
  • Tracking Media Used
  • Checklists
  • Summary for IVF and ICSI from DO to D6
  • Auto statistics for each patient calculating Fertilization rate, cleavage rate, utilization rate, blastocyst rate
  • Tracking each embryo status – Discarding, Freezing, Arrest, Embryo Transfer, PGT
  • Daily checklists
  • Fertilization Checks
  • PGT
  • Cryopreservation of Oocytes and Embryos in an organized Straw manner
  • FET Thaw
  • Tracking Media Used
  • ART, FET, Donor Summaries, etc
  • Frozen Sperm, Oocyte and Embryos are displayed here
  • Can be able to track sample from its Straw no, device colour, goblet colour, canister no, tank no
  • Display samples using colour combinations to track which sample is used or not used or partially used or discarded or expired or going to expire
  • Auto alerts to patients for renewal
  • Renewal History
  • Each patient will be having a unique ID and their complete transactions will be maintained in patient pages.
  • Patient Home page — Displaying an overview of patient and spouse details with their ongoing or completed treatment cycles and their medical notes with their cryo samples
  • Capturing Infertility history in standard ASRM format
  • Tracking each visit to hospital and on call discussions
  • Configurable & Predefined formats for different types of reports providing to patients
  • Tracking part and present Lab reports in an organized manner
  • Different type of Ultra sound scan reports to patients
  • ERA, Endometrial Assessment
  • Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy Summaries
  • Treatment Protocol charts for better understanding to patients
  • General billing to patient
  • OP & IP Billing
  • Wallet Options
  • Due Collections
  • Clinical Analytics — Semen Analysis, ART, FET, Donor, Cycles, Cases, Pregnancy, Embryos, etc
  • Financial Analytics — Users, branches, consultants, referrals, services, invoices, etc
  • Patient Analytics — Payments, Wallet, appointments, address, refunds, etc
  • OP & IP Analytics — Advances, monthly reports, procedures, IP doctors, etc
  • Others — Marketing referrals, Lab samples, etc

Boost your workflow
with Sparta Fertility

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